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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Blog Post 2.8 "More Great News!"

There are people who are upset with Congress for lifting the ban on killing horses for food. They are depressed and people are just sending horses to Mexico to be slaughtered anyway. Some people have the same issue about ducks. 

1. They were sent to Mexico where slaughter was legal anyway.
2. People have the right to do what ever they want to. If they decide they don't want to eat something that is fine but do not try to tell me i am a bad person for eating what i want.
3. He laughs at their stupidity. He wishes they would worry about real problems.
4. People proclaim that Ducks live peaceful lives before being slaughtered.
5. Ducks suffer when tubes are shoved down their throats to swell their livers, but horses can lead a good life and die peacefully in an abattoir. 
6. This entire issue is irrelevant in the scope of government. There are so many more pressing issues that need attention. THIS IS NOT A BIG DEAL!!!!!!

blog post 2.6 "Balanced Budget Amendment FAIL"

1. two-thirds majority vote.
2. They believe that such a requirement would force Congress to make devastating cuts to social programs.
3. yes
4. The national debt is how much debt we are in or money we owe as a nation.
5. Congress could cut billions from social programs during times of economic downturn and disputes over what to cut could result in Congress ceding its power of the purse to the courts.
6. He is important because he`s over the House Rules Committee and they must often vote for bills and bills must often come through them.
7. National security and defense spending.
8. Budget spending

Blog Post 2.7 "Great News for America!!!!"

Obama legalizes horse slaughter for human consumption. People can now eat horses. Apparently the only thing Democrats and Republicans can agree on during these trying times is eating horses.

1. Uhhh It doesn't really matter to me if this is awesome or not....

Friday, December 2, 2011

Blog Post 2.5

1. What is a financial - disclosure record? A record or history of what type of investments Legislators make.
2. Why do we need those? They show what type of investments Legislators make.
3. Which one of John Kerry's jobs in the Senate is mentioned? What does that mean he is responsible for? His job as the Massachusetts Senator and  chairman of the health subcommittee of the Senate’s powerful Finance Committee. He is heavily responsible for the stock market part of the Finance Committee.
4. What was John Boehner doing during health care reform debates? Investing “tens of thousands of dollars” in health-insurance-company stocks
5. What is insider trading? Insider trading is the trading of a corporation's stock or other securities (e.g. bonds or stock options) by individuals with potential access to non-public information about the company.
6. What do the House and Senate ethics rules say about congressmen's stock ownership?  a member’s recusal from a vote affecting his or her stock portfolio “might be denying a voice” in the process
7. What suspicious activity did former Speaker Nancy Pelosi take part in? Her husband made a big play—between $1 million and $5 million—on Visa, the credit-card company when she was Speaker of the House.
8. How will the Tea Party and Occupy movements likely respond to this book? They will have a lot of negative things to say about this book because it goes against their interests.
9. What does the author (of the book) say is his main problem with politicians? The fact that the political elite gets to play by a different set of rules than the rest of us.