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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Blo"g Post 3.4 "Obama & the Bureaucratic Agencies

[applesause:) (For Breanna cause she thinks it's funny)

 President Obama announced a plan to reduce the size of the Federal Government. It is more noticible for its political challenge to a hostile Congress rather than it's actual purpose, to fight against the bloat that has been embraced by every modern day president. If he got approval, Obama says that he would start by downsizing the Small Business Administration and five other trade and business companies that would become one agency under the Department of Commerce.

No one is sure whether or not Congress will approve the legislation. The Republicans believe that it was more to help the campaign and reelection of Obama rather than actually reducing the size of government. The Democrats also expressed concerns about "folding" the Office of United States Trade Representative into a large bureaucracy, saying it would do more harm than good to American trade policy. Government efficiency experts are very happy about the inititive, saying it was over due. Speaker of the House John A. Boehner says that streamlining the government was a laudable goal and that Republicans would take a look at the plan.  

1. He is asking Congress to shrink the size of federal government.
2. The Small Business Administration and some other trade and business agencies.
3. He says they`re not to different but they`re different enough.
4. The Republican party.
5. Most people are expressing misgivings about these cuts because a lot of people would be left jobless
6. He`s trying to turn it into his own advantage.
7. Congress is made up of mostly republicans and republicans would not approve of cutting government.
8. It will alter public opinion since one party is for the change and another is against it

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